This information will be updated if the evolving situation with COVID-19 requires changes.
With the rapidly changing environment we find ourselves due to COVID-19, we are aware that many ministries are moving their meetings online during these exceptional circumstances.
On this page, you will find principles for using video conferencing platforms with children and youth. Examples provided below are for Zoom online meetings which is the approved platform by the SLC of Springwood Adventist Church.
Definitions: In these principles, we define children as up to primary school (Grade 6) school and youth from high school (Grade 7) until they reach 18 years of age.
You may also find these principles helpful to apply to adult Small Group meetings.
Two or more adult leaders authorised by the Pastoral, Leadership or Springwood Leadership Committee (SLC) should be present in meetings and should understand their role and responsibility.
Authorised leaders should be provided Host privileges and login details to the church account to run a meeting. If a church-owned account is not available (talk with the pastors), it is even more critical that two adults are present at all times who are in leadership positions (i.e. not just parents of children) at Springwood Adventist Church.
The Host and Breakout group leaders should run the gathering from a computer (laptop or desktop) and not an iOS or Android device – this is because these devices cannot record meetings if this is required due to a security breach.
Meetings can be used for a Children’s Group or Youth Group.
Ensure parents know:
Meetings must be authorised by the Pastoral Team, Elders, authorised leaders (e.g. Sabbath School leaders) or SLC.
Access to meetings for children’s ministry should only be provided to parents and not be directed to the children themselves. Access to youth events may be directed to the young person where parent permission has been obtained.
Parents and participants should be informed of the protocols for the meeting e.g. dress code, respectful language, expectations of leaders and participants.
Private chat functions should be disabled.
Parents should also be informed of who to speak to (and their contact details) if there is a breach of the protocols.
Parental permission must be obtained before allowing children and young people to join a video conference meeting.
Parents should be required to remain for the duration of the meeting for any children’s groups e.g. participating with their child or remaining in the background of the video feed (this can be an acceptable form of permission from parents where written permission has not been obtained).
Parents should be informed if Breakout rooms will take place and the process for that i.e. adult leaders and a recording of the session. Parents can be invited to stay in the meeting but they would not be required to do that if for youth-aged children.
A Waiting room allows the leader to ensure only those with parental permission or those invited to the meeting enter the video conference.
A waiting room may also prevent one leader and one participant being alone in a meeting if they join early.
If the church is hosting multiple gatherings from the same account throughout the week, the Host should set a new password for each meeting.
Zoom: Waiting rooms
Any meetings held with children and youth aged participants should be recorded if possible. If they does not occur, please see point 1 in regards to two leaders being present.
If you are recording a meeting, configure Settings – Recordings – Recording disclaimer.
Recordings (including any chat logs) should be kept for at least 3 months in secure cloud, church managed storage.
Zoom: Cloud Recording
This will prevent children and young people sharing inappropriate material.
Note that even though the overall Host of the main meeting can turn off screen sharing for the meeting, breakout group leaders will need to do that again for their meetings. It is strongly recommended to avoid possible inappropriate material being displayed in the breakout groups.
Zoom: Sharing your screen
Where possible, two or more adult leaders should be present in a Breakout room.
Breakout rooms must be recorded (recordings must be stored as indicated above).
The meeting host should not be a Breakout room leader (where possible) but should check in on groups while they are running and manage the time they return to the main group.
Note that even though the overall Host of the main meeting can turn off screen sharing for the meeting, breakout group leaders will need to do that again for their meetings. It is strongly recommended to avoid possible inappropriate material being displayed in the breakout groups.
Zoom: Managing Breakout Rooms
Not so much a security or AdSafe ministry concern as a useful tip to avoid mischievous young people renaming themselves: Hosts can turn off the ability of participants to rename their window. That is done under ‘Manage Participants’ once the meeting is underway.
Note that a Host has no control over participants using their virtual background setting. To avoid inappropriate material being displayed (intentionally or not), we suggest that participants be asked to agree to not using that feature during youth/children’s meetings